Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sweet November Snow!

Well, to put it mildy, it's been dumping here in Fernie already - and that's just the town. We've had intermittent snow for a good three days now, sometimes piddly little amounts and other times (last night for example) where the flakes are huge and it just keeps on falling...

We went up to the base of the hill yesterday and were impressed to see that there was a good layer of hard packed snow up there already - you only had to walk for about 20 minutes up the mountain until it was almost knee deep. But that was yesterday and today is a whole different story - yet more snow has fallen overnight - a good few inches here in town. That bodes very well for the mountain, so Jethro's just gone to take a drive up and report back on his findings. We're not cracking open the snowboard wax just yet, and I don't know if RCR have any plans to open early like some other resorts in BC, but all this snow can only be a good thing...

Clearing the back steps of SVL - a woman's work is never done!
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Where'd the van go?!
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Jethro on the hill yesterday
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