Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Even more snow!

It's becoming a bit of an epic start to the season here in Fernie, with a good four feet of snow falling on the mountain... and we've still got another month til the mountain opens! Fingers crossed it keeps on going! The temperatures are staying low - we're expecting it to get down as low as -16C next week. Chilly!

Rumours abound that the resort may open early for the weekends only... but we hear conflicting information. Some say that it would be too costly for RCR to do this, owing to the fact that they would have to start paying lifties and other staff to start working earlier than usual, and that the only people that would ski/board this early would be season pass holders anyway. So they wouldn't make money, just lose it. It's seems to be a pretty cynical attitude, but I guess business is business.

In the meantime, it's been wonderful (if a little tiring) to have the whole mountain to ourselves. We've done a few hikes and hit some freshies, so life is pretty good!

The walk up is worth the trip down!
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Our footprints at the base of the hill...
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At 3:01 PM, Blogger Hincky said...

Chippers me old matey! Well, after drooling at all the snowy pictures you posted last season, I took the plunge as they say!

(I still can't ride powder for love nor money, but practice makes perfect!)

The pics above were taken on the way up to Falling Star in Fernie. We've been pretty much sticking to the bottom runs as we're not in the best of shape... yet!


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