Monday, February 13, 2006

Polar Peak

Fernie Alpine Resort is made up of 5 bowls; Siberia, Timber, Currie , Lizard and Cedar. These bowls are located beneath 4 mountain peaks; Mammoth Head (6807 ft), Elephant Head (6709 ft), Polar Peak (7000 ft) and Grizzly Peak (6900 ft).

Over the last 4 days we've experienced some lovely blue-sky days which has meant that the Face Lift, the highest lift in the resort, has been opened. The opening of the Face Lift has allowed access to the peaks of each mountain top.

On Sunday, Hamish and myself decided that a hike to the highest peak was in order. To get there we had to get 2 chairlifts which took us to a height of 6316 ft. From the top of the White Pass chairlift we had to then traverse across the top of the Currie Bowl to the point where we had to start hiking. The climb was between 600 - 700 feet and took us around 35 minutes.

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Mammoth Peak, on the left of the map, is outside of the resort boundary. Elephant Head is next, followed by Polar Peak in the middle with Grizzly Peak on the right.

The views made the climb worth while.

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Once we had got to the other side of the Currie Bowl, Polar Peak rises above you.
All we had to do then was climb...straight up! There where already footprints there from when someone had already hiked to the summit. The path is the lighter snow, just to the left of center.

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Making my way up the ridge to the summit.

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Hamish's legs are a lot younger than my own.

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It was a full adrenaline rush when I got to the top.

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Hamish was also quite happy!

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Standing high above Fernie Alpine Resort, with the City of Fernie in the background.

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Hamish begins his descent.

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The descent was very steep indeed, but a lot of fun!