Sunday, January 22, 2006

New snow for Fernie!

We've had some great snowfalls in the last two weeks, and guess what? It hasn't rained! Although the temperatures are still quite mild for this time of year, Friday brought us a foot of snow in just one day - pretty fantastic! The Griz is obviously a happy chappy right now, so I hope his good mood continues...

Fernie is looking very pretty, as the pictures below will prove:

Top of the mountain on Saturday morning
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A rather scenic (if I do say so myself) picture of a tree in the garden. (Jethro has been digging pathways to the hot-tub and the front door and there's so much snow we are contemplating building an igloo! The trenches alone would make a WW2 veteran happy!)
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The best place to live in Fernie - Snow Valley Lodge!
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An average sight on Fernie's high street - no pampered pooches here, no siree!
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