Saturday, December 09, 2006

Finally.....Blog no. 1 of the season!

We have been here 6 weeks now, and many parties, hockey games and get togethers later - the Hill is at last officially OPEN!!

Tomorrow will bring the first day's skiing for me (Luke), though poor Clare will have to wait another day due to that untimely thing called work. We haven't done a day's work for 6 weeks and just as the hill opens, the work comes thick and fast! Sod's Law! Below is a photo taken of the hill before the first snowflake fell. Rest assured it is now covered in the beautiful white stuff!

What have we been doing with ourselves for 6 weeks, I hear you cry?? We wont bore you with all the details, but here are a few of the highlights, and our favorite pics!

We were greeted with some fantastic weather, which in the mountains always means fantastic photos! Here is the view from the lodge at sunset on a clear day.

Once we'd settled, we headed for the job fair where we found jobs! Boo. But I suppose the 'free season pass' was just too good to turn down.

Soon after the fair came Halloween, and our first chance to experience a Fernie Party! Having shopped in Wal Mart for our fabulous costumes (designed for 8-12 year olds!), we were ready to go! Some of you may have seen the outcome on the svl website - if not, you are one of the lucky few.

Straight after Halloween, we treated ourselves to a week in Vancouver, as we felt we didn't do this great city justice on our way through the first time. Highly recommended, and here is a couple of photos taken from Stanley Park to help tempt you...

Just a shame the weather wasn't on our side, with 7 days of rain!

We also found, would you believe, a ROUNDABOUT!! Fernie is laced with ridiculous 4 way stop signs! So a roundabout was a welcome sight.

Back in Fernie, it was made clear to us that you can get spectacular photos even when the weather isn't great....

Next, us boys were politely asked to vacate SVL for a Girls night and hot tub, and we were told no webcams or hidden microphones! One brave male neighbour approached a hot tub full of 10 tipsy girls asking if he could join! Needless to say he walked home seconds later with his tail between his legs - Good work girls.

The first Fernie Birthday fell to our good friend Brad from Aus. We thought we'd help him leave the teenage years in style with a surprise party in the basement!

Where Jenga was a hit! Now nicknamed "JENGA MOTHERF***ER" courtesy of Tim after too many bottles of Kokanee!

Another feature of the party was the hot tub, which has been a big asset to many an evening. The most we have had in it so far is around 10 at the girls night, and I'm sure we can top that by the end of the season! Photographic evidence will be posted here!

Here we must end the story so far, we're pleased to say we are confident the next blog will include some skiing pics! Yey! Can't wait to check out the hill and start carving it up!